What this Week: January 13-19

Audio Books: Only When It's Us by Chloe Liese

E-Books: Never Planned on You by Lindsay Hameroff

Physical Books: Let's Pretend this Never Happened by Jenny Lawson, Happy Medium by Sarah Adler, and A Killing Cold by Kate Alice Marshall

New-to-Me Author(s): Sarah Adler and Kate Alice Marshall

This has been a fairly typical reading week for me. For some reason, I'm not reading as much this weekend as normal, but I've been enjoying what I read. I finished my ebook ARC of Never Planned on You and started a physical book to read a few chapters a day, Let's Pretend This Never Happened (a re-read) and an audiobook to listen to at the gym (Only When It's Us). I read Happy Medium for my 25 in 2025 challenge and started my BOTM book, A Killing Cold. I had two new-to-me authors which I always enjoy. Never Planned On You, Happy Medium and A Killing Cold will all have their own posts.
