Audio Books: With You Forever by Chloe Liese
E-Books: Passion Project by London Sperry
Physical Books: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, Story of My Life by Lucy Score, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, The Irish Goodbye by Amy Ewing, Business Casual by B.K. Borison
New-to-Me Author(s): Truman Capote, Amy Ewing, and London Sperry
This was a busy week for me! In addition to reading for school, I continued my audiobook (With You Forever) and continued The Name of the Wind. I finished Story of My Life, and read In Cold Blood and the Irish Goodbye. I also completed an e-book ARC (Passion Project) and started Business Casual. Passion Project, Story of My Life, The Irish Goodbye, and In Cold Blood will all have their own posts coming up. This week, I had three new-to-me authors (Truman Capote, Amy Ewing, and London Sperry).
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